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Some days are just a pain in the back.

Posted on: July 20th, 2012 by Amelia

“OH!  My back!  It hurts! Oh, my back it hurts. Oh my, back it hurts. See?  It’s funny!!” Inside joke.  You had to be there. It was Saturday July fourteenth in the year two thousand and twelve when I realized I was indeed destined to be a writer.  This realization came about via an unexpected […]

Travel | Sailing Days 8-11 The Hazy Days

Posted on: July 20th, 2012 by Amelia

The details of the last four days of the journey are somewhat fuzzy now, having faded into the hazy sort of memories that time creates. It’s only my desire to blog the “now” which compels me to blog the “then”, since it seems to explain how we got here. Day 8: Marina del Rey This […]

Pizza and Volcanoes

Posted on: June 9th, 2012 by Amelia

Day 6 Oxnard Wanderings and Further South Big Lots. Toppers. Panda Express. Welcome back to society, to civilization. It’s amazing how much one day at sea can free a person from the confines of the day-to-day routine. Waking up Thursday morning in Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard, CA, felt lovely. Brent and I had absolutely […]

I’m on a boat. And this time, I like it.

Posted on: June 4th, 2012 by Amelia

Sailing Day 3, 4, 5 Santa Barbara to Oxnard Day 3: Santa Barbara Sunshine I woke up Monday morning feeling rested after a full nights sleep. Brent was still snoozing quietly next to me, so I crept over him (well, I clumsily rolled over him- boats are not conducive to stealthy movements) and proceeded to […]

Maiden Voyage Misadventures

Posted on: May 31st, 2012 by Amelia

Day 1: Getting Our Sea Legs The first 24 hours of our maiden voyage have been nothing short of grueling. We departed Morro Bay in haste Saturday afternoon after finally identifying a 24-36 hour weather window which looked promising- winds 15-20 knots, dying to 10-20 after midnight, and seas 8-10 feet, subsiding to 6-8 after […]

Hurry Up and Wait.

Posted on: May 25th, 2012 by Amelia

After a hectic weekend moving all of our precious belongings into storage in San Diego…we finally made it back to Morro Bay late Monday with plans to sail on Wednesday.  San Diego was a busy weekend, but time for fun was included~ Brent & Will managed to take in a Padres game on Sunday- of […]

Yo quiero montar tabla a las olas. Yo quiero surfiar.

Posted on: March 23rd, 2012 by Amelia

Surfing is more than a hobby. It’s more than a sport. It’s a living, breathing connection with the greatest liquid force on earth- the ocean. This blog is dedicated to the pursuit of waves, and through waves, peace. Enjoy it when it’s flat, or blown out, and you have nothing better to do than read […]