Day 6 of #MermaidYogis is knee to nose, in some traditions called tiger pose. Like day 5, this is a pose that can be made more or less intense depending on your needs.
Knee to Nose Variations
- Start with dropped knees (table pose). Inhale, extend right leg behind you. Exhale, round through the upper back and curl your knee to your nose. Inhale, extend. Exhale, contract. Repeat five to ten rounds with the breath, then switch sides.
- Start in high plank. Inhale, extend right heel towards sky. Exhale, round through upper back and draw knee to nose. Contract navel to spine and press the back of heart towards the sky. Repeat five rounds with the breath.
You’ve almost made it through week one of the Mermaid Yogis challenge! Don’t forget to stop by the Stoked Yogi YouTube to practice week one as a flow, and follow along on Instagram to participate in challenge giveaways and hear about local events!
Tags: #mermaidyogis, blooming lotus jewelry, Body Glove Girl, Colorescience, core work, glide sup, Graced By Grit, knee to nose, Manduka Yoga, Mermaid Yogis, Raw Elements USA, Soulie, stoked yogi, vinyasa flow, yoga for beginners, yoga sequence, yoga tutorial