Day 2 of #MermaidYogis is Staff Pose with optional roll-downs if you want to make this a dynamic core workout. Remember to tailor your practice to your body and your needs.
Staff Pose:
- Sit comfortably with both legs extended in front of you. Flex the toes towards your face.
- Lengthen through the spine and press your hands palms down into the floor beside your hips.
- Breathe deeply for five to ten breaths.
Optional Roll-Downs:
- For more challenge, extend your arms straight out from the shoulder sockets.
- Exhale slowly and use the strength of your core and roll down, one vertebrae at a time, keeping shoulders off the floor.
- Inhale and sit back up to an L-shape.
- Repeat five to ten rounds, then lay all the way onto your back and relax.
For the entire #MermaidYogis sequence and challenge, join us on Instagram or come by YouTube to watch weekly tutorials.
Tags: #mermaidyogis, Mermaid Yogis, Staff Pose, stoked yogi, yoga how to, yoga tutorial